Apps & Integrations

APPs & Integrations

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Data Management – Manage & Control Every Aspect of Incoming and Outgoing Data.


Data Management – Listflex gives you the power to manage leads from all of your funnels or opt in pages in one place. Generate more leads and make more money.

Relevance Reactor

A user-friendly, web-based software platform designed specifically for digital marketers … providing them with the tools they need to track campaigns across any media type as well as manage every aspect of their data. They say a picture’s worth a thousand words. We think the following diagram says at least that much. Take a look, check out our features and tours, then contact us for a live demo.

Waypoint Software

Waypoint Software is a real time lead management and database solution that focuses on an ease of use interface for its clients, backed by a sophisticated and robust delivery engine. Direct integrations with email validation services and Emercury allow clients to capture, validate, and post leads directly to their Emercury account in real time. The software a perfect fit for list managers and email marketers alike.

WP Fusion

WP Fusion is a WordPress plugin that integrates Emercury with your WordPress site, keeping your Emercury contacts in sync with WordPress users. By using WP Fusion to connect WordPress to Emercury, you can build a fully automated membership site, creating a e-learning portal for your customers, track ecommerce sales, and much more knowing that all of that data will be automatically kept up to date in Emercury.