With this official Emercury / Calendly integration , you can sync your contacts from Calendly directly into your audiences inside Emercury.
After syncing, meeting event data and meeting invitee (contact) data with tags, will sync with your Emercury audience from that point forward.
This sync occurs whenever a contact or lead books a meeting in Calendly.
Once synced with your Emercury audience this can trigger an automation with messages based on the rules and/or conditions you define.
Here are a few of the ways this integration will help you
- Want to send out personalized messages from your sales team about the event
- Want to send reminders to your guests about the scheduled event
- Want to put guest information into different Emercury email campaigns based on the type of event booked
- Want to prepare guests for an upcoming event by sending series of Emercury messages
- Want to provide guests with follow-up actions in a series of Emercury messages