Complete User Tracking with WordPress

An illustration symbolizing the topic: WordPress user tracking

A while back we hinted that there is something very cool coming up for WordPress users. A super exciting update to WP Fusion that you’re going to absolutely love. We now offer full WordPress user tracking through WP Fusion.

What does this mean? You can now utilize the full power of site-driven automations in Emercury even if you’re not a developer.

Why is this so exciting?

If you use WordPress to power your website (and most of the internet does), you can actually have your WordPress do the tracking for you. All you need to do is to install WP Fusion and hook it up with Emercury. 

Our WP Fusion integration is pretty cool in and of itself, and it lets you sync your user data and tags between WordPress and Emercury. But now, we also support full site tracking through this plugin. It’s as easy as ticking a checkbox. And boom, you get full WordPress user tracking.

Seriously. That’s it. From thereon, anytime that one of your users logs into your site, they get automatically tracked inside of Emercury. That means your automations can target them based on actions they take around your site.

But wait, this is just the first step in our larger mission to help you leverage the super-powerful events system

The future of marketing lies in behaviour-triggered email marketing. That is, responding to the customer based on their behavior both inside of your emails, and outside of your emails.

And when we say “outside of your emails”, that mostly refers to tracking their behavior on your website. And the way that marketing platforms track website behavior is through something called an “events system”.

What is “an events system”?  Well, “event” is just a fancy way of saying “something happened”. For example you might have a “visited pricing page” event, a “filled out about section” event or perhaps a “watched the teaser video” event.

Events are at the back-bone of behavior-driven marketing, and you need to know how to send events to Emercury in order to set up behavior-driven automations in Emercury.

Here is the problem though

Until now event-systems were only available to you if you have developer skills or developers on staff. There were two reasons why you needed a developer to use event systems:

1) In order to identify the user to your platform

2) In order to send events to your platform

To “identify” a user simply means that your platform knows which visitor to associate with which contact on the platform. Remember, Emercury doesn’t own or host your website, you do. So if John Doe visits your website, we can track this person, but merely as “anonymous person 32380”.

We do not know that John Doe is actually the same person as “


” who is already a contact in your Emercury account. In order for us to link the two, you need to send a so-called identify call. And that was something that used to require hiring a developer.

Now that tracking is supported through WP Fusion, this is done for you automatically. No need to hire a developer. WP Fusion will send that identify call for you automatically. And from there on your behavior-triggered Emercury automations will be able to fire for all of your WordPress users.

That’s just one half of the story though

Remember that there are 2 facets to implementing an events system in your marketing. The first is sending that initial identity call to your marketing platform. The second is to send “events” to the platform as they happen.

For example, you might want an event to occur when someone clicks the “more info” switch on the pricing page. You can probably see how this is useful in marketing, as you can have an automation that triggers when they do that.

You might then automatically send them a special discount after a 2 day delay, or perhaps trigger an external webhook that adds them to your sales spreadsheet as a hot lead.

Sending events also requires developer skills, or at least it used to

Unlike with the identify call which can be handled for you by just ticking a checkbox in WP Fusion, there is no equivalent for events. There is still some manual work in terms of instructing your website to understand when it needs to send what kind of event to your different platforms.

Fortunately for you though, we are working very hard to add as many examples in our documentation as we can, so that you can add events to your website without being a developer.

To get you started we’ve added a few easy to follow examples of adding any kind of click event you can imagine in WordPress. We show you how to do it if you use Gutenberg or Elementor to build your pages.

It will take you at most a few minutes, and you don’t have to be a developer to do this, we made it that easy!

– And yes, there will be examples for other builders if you use them, just let us know if you need them. We’re starting off with Gutenberg and Elementor as these two are the most widely used.

– And no, we are not limiting ourselves to WordPress. There will be more examples on how to send events if you are not a WordPress user.

– And yes, there will be even more ready-made examples of events so you don’t have to hire developers.

– And yes, the same thing applies to making identification easier, we are not limiting ourselves to just WordPress user tracking, we are working on easier ways to send identify calls for non-developers, stay tuned!

For now, check out this guide on adding a click-event to any WordPress element, by checking out the easy guide over here.

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